Use USB Modem on Ubuntu

Hey Hi..everyone.. Again I am back with a post after many days.. I just got my Dell Studio Laptop few days back..
Actually due to some reasons, I got the Reliance USB modem to access internet..
Reliance provides USB modem of Huawei Company. When I got it, some people told me that USB modem drivers are not available on Ubuntu and It will not be possible to use internet on Ubuntu. But i got some references from net and when i tried with these steps and packages, I got access of Internet on Linux too.. 🙂 😀 .. Again thanks to google, it helped me to get the solution and thanks to ubuntu forums and debian package.
So now let me come to the point. I used “wvdial” command to connect through the USB modem and for this I have to make some changes in /etc/wvdial.conf .
So first of all you need “wvdial” installed on ur PC..
OS installed on my Laptop is Ubuntu 9.04..

Steps you need to follow:

  • Install wvdial:

command:     sudo apt-get install wvdial
OR download debian package of wvdial and you will also need to download some of the dependencies. You will get wvdial package here.

  • Add device configuration to device file in /etc/wvdial.conf

Replace with your 10 digit Reliance connection number in place of phonenumber.

[Dialer Defaults]
Phone =
Username =
Password =
New PPPD = yes[Modem0]
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Baud = 115200
SetVolume = 0
Dial Command = ATDT
Init1 = ATZ
FlowControl = Hardware (CRTSCTS)

[Dialer cdma]
Username = phonenumber
Password = phonenumber
Phone = #777
Stupid Mode = 1
Inherits = Modem0

  • Run wvdial

Run the Command on Terminal:  sudo wvdial cdma

You will see some output like this:

~$ sudo wvdial cdma
–> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
–> Cannot get information for serial port.
–> Initializing modem.
–> Sending: ATZ
–> Modem initialized.
–> Sending: ATDT#777
–> Waiting for carrier.
CONNECT 230400
–> Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
–> Starting pppd at Sat Jul 11 22:56:19 2009
–> Pid of pppd: 4299
–> Using interface ppp0
–> pppd: ????[18][18]m X[19]m
–> pppd: ????[18][18]m X[19]m
–> pppd: ????[18][18]m X[19]m
–> pppd: ????[18][18]m X[19]m
–> local IP address
–> pppd: ????[18][18]m X[19]m
–> remote IP address
–> pppd: ????[18][18]m X[19]m
–> primary DNS address
–> pppd: ????[18][18]m X[19]m
–> secondary DNS address
–> pppd: ????[18][18]m X[19]m
–> pppd: ????[18][18]m X[19]m
–> pppd: ????[18][18]m X[19]m

Well thats it, your connected to Internet….